〝 If you want to win, you should hire Intisar Strategies.
It’s that simple. 〞

Tracy Cramer 
Oregon State Representative — House District 22 


 “From data to websites to strategy, David and his team are focused on getting the job done. No fuss, just results.” 

Lois Anderson, Executive Director — Oregon Right to Life 

 “It was clear from the start that Intisar Strategies knows what they are doing. As a first time candidate, that let me focus on my job.” 

Ajax Moody, 2023 Candidate for West Linn - Wilsonville School Board 

In 2022, Intisar Strategies served as General Consultant on five Oregon state legislative races. When the votes were counted, all five candidates combined outpaced voter registration by a 9.73% average. Four out of five of our clients won—all were in Democrat-leaning districts. These wins broke the Democrat supermajorities in the State House and State Senate. 



David was born and raised in Oregon and studied Political Science and Economics at George Fox University. He’s worked at the Oregon State Capitol and spent several years as a staffer on political campaigns in Oregon and Washington. David worked at Oregon Right to Life for five years, including as Political Director. Since starting Intisar Strategies in 2019, he has consulted for over 40 candidates and nonprofits. David and his wife live in Cour d’Alene, Idaho. 

David Kilada | OWNER

Andrew was born and raised in Vancouver, Washington and graduated from Corban University with a degree in Political Science. Andrew interned for Oregon Right to Life where he first worked with David Kilada. After working in the Oregon State Capitol, Andrew joined Intisar Strategies as a project manager for the 2020 election. Andrew works on a variety of projects, including data, grassroots, and research. Andrew lives in Salem, Oregon. 

Andrew Sagert |

Born and raised in Oregon, Dru graduated from Willamette University with a degree in Economics. Since 2018, he has worked in communications, digital advertising, and campaign strategy in the Oregon conservative movement, including as Communications Director for the Oregon Senate Republican Caucus and Political Director of the Oregon House Republican Campaign Committee. Dru and his wife live in Salem, Oregon.


Charlie graduated from California State University Monterey Bay with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Design, focusing on Website Design. She has worked on a variety of design projects including a website redesign for DreamWorks and for local businesses. Charlie joined Intisar Strategies in 2021 and is responsible for graphic design, video editing, and web design. Charlie lives in Reno, Nevada. 

Charlie Rieckers |

Contact Us


(971) 345-6773

945 Columbia St. NE #24
Salem, OR 97301